Saturday, February 22, 2020

Gross National Income of different countries Statistics Project

Gross National Income of different countries - Statistics Project Example Data was collected by the World Bank Organisation about the Gross National Income, expressed in purchasing power parity dollars to adjust for price level differences across countries. The data is not adjusted for inflation. There are values for each year from 2001 -2009 for each country. The numbers are measured in millions of dollars. Analysis is conducted taking the 2008 values only. The data has been acquired from the World Bank Organisation. The analysis is conducted on the data for the year 2008. The data is a sample of Gross National Income of selected 173 countries. The methods employed are analysis of summary statistics, analysis of frequency table and histogram and the analysis of line graph of Gross National Income. Results In accordance with the descriptive statistics demonstrated in Table 1, the following relation can be ascertained: Mean > Median > Mode = 12668 > 7270 > 4860 . This relationship shows that the data is positively skewed. This in turn means that the number of countries with low Gross National Income is higher as compared to those higher Gross National Income. Mean is a measure of the central tendency that is outlier biased. The statistical Median represents centre value of the data. Mode actually represents the majority values in the data. In this case the Median seems more appropriate to be focused as the central tendency as Mean seems to deliver an impression that the GNI of all countries is good whereas the Mode value paints an opposite picture. The Line Graph of Gross National Income asserts the selection of Median as a central tendency as the majority of spikes are almost at same level i.e. around 40,000. The exceptions are quiet evident in the above mentioned graph due to which the Mean cannot be selected as the central tendency. The value of Standard deviation is also high due to these exceptions. The Histogram (Figure 1) of the frequency table (Table 2) shows an asymptotic decay in the frequencies. As a result of which it can be claimed that the data is following Exponential Distribution. Conclusion It is concluded that as the rat e of Gross National Income is proceeding towards higher degree, the number of countries on the scale is diminishing. The frequency table (Table 2) highlights the lower Gross National Income recorded for the majority of countries. Part 2 Correlation and Regression: Data was

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Critical Analysis of College is a Waste of Time and Money Essay

Critical Analysis of College is a Waste of Time and Money - Essay Example It is clearly identifiable from the article that Bird has not expressed her views about college based learning for shock value merely, rather she actually has a firm conviction at heart that colleges in majority of the cases turn out to be a mere waste of wads of cash and many hours and she actually makes every effort in her article to defend this viewpoint. Though this article managed in satiating the minds of many thinkers out there who believe that earning a bachelor’s degree by making big commitments to the colleges in terms of time and money is an ineffective and rather clumsy way to get the real training, still many teachers and students themselves have reacted strongly negatively to Bird’s take on college based learning which is quite understandable. Now, there are two important things worth considering before getting all judgmental in this regard. First, if we think about the established reality which projects that the kind of role played by a teacher or scholar holds monumental importance and value for behavioral modification and general wellbeing of a student, the approach used by Bird to assess the importance of colleges immediately gets discarded. Next, it cannot be said that Bird’s article should be totally condemned or agonized since it lacks ground because concerning the common practice active presently among parents and students to waste wads of cash only after colleges’ or universities’ names, the possibility of a college to turn out to be a waste of cash and time may arise. This is because many times the real purpose of learning is lost when more attention is paid to the college’s name than on a student’s individual personality. It is an undeniable reality that a student who has the tendency to maintain lazy or defiant attitude and bad habits will remain just the same and behave as pathetically as a student even if he/she be enrolled at some of the most prestigious institution. In such cases, go ing to college does turn out to be a futile effort and a college definitely becomes a waste of time and money for such students, but Bird does not antagonize the conventional method of college based learning on this basis alone as she is seen going to different lengths in her article to nullify the concept of colleges for acquiring knowledge. Now, a college is seen by the vast majority of people as the central pillar or the support system upon which the whole building of learning could be supported. Bird disagrees openly from all such thinkers here. The argument used by her to antagonize the established thinking approach is that most of the students enrolled at different colleges in the present times have absolutely no sense of purpose as to why they are there in the college in the first place. This means that a student personally rarely ever has any strong motivation about staying in a particular college to learn. Most of them are just there because their mothers or fathers wanted them to be there or because their families wanted to show off to other relatives or friends about their son or daughter learning in some prestigious institution. Now, this can be passed off as a justified point brought up by Bird because students should personally be strongly motivated for going to colleges to learn and not only should they acknowledge this motivation but should also know how to defend their choice of going to colleges for learning. Next major point addressed by Bird in her article is that special attention should be paid to the real reason behind the