Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance Of A Healthy Body And Mind - 954 Words

A healthy body and mind are essential for improving the quality of my well-being and ensuring I live a long extended life. Making good choices and decisions in my daily routine is the best approach to take for achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to health, everyone makes good and bad choices which can either help you have a better life or force you to face the consequences of illnesses and addictions. Individual behaviors, social and economic factors, pollutants, access to quality health care, and policy-making are all core factors and equally important influences to ensure everyone’s well-being. Achieving any one of these improvements requires planning a schedule that includes time for managing my school priorities, my health, as well as ensuring adequate sleep and exercise. Scheduling would help simply the overwhelming list of things to do, and in turn keep my stress levels low and allow time for socializing and relaxation. Some important thing s I can focus on to improve my health and well-being are, exercise and physical fitness, choosing nutritious meals, scheduling regular health and wellness check-ups, and avoiding negative social influences. Proper exercise and physical fitness are important for improving my wellness and can be beneficial in preventing the onset of the many health problems and illnesses that run in my family, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, lung disease, osteoporosis, obesity. It could be soShow MoreRelatedA Professional Registered Massage Therapist992 Words   |  4 Pages30% of an individual’s overall wellness comes from disease treatment, while the remaining 70% is a result of a healthy life style. Disease prevention depends on our social lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and ability to de-stress. 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